Cake, Degree & Maulidur Rasul

Assalamualaikum wbt
sebelum pape, i'm gonna wish Salam Maulidur Rasul to all muslim in this world
Selawat & Salam ke Atas Junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW
semoga keperibadian baginda mjd contoh ikutan kita seharian...
In Shaa Allah
actually just woke up at 3 in the morning
just got a nap then amik ko tersedar kol3
ak ni spesies yg klu da tersedar tdo, susah lak nak smbg tdo balik
yela semalam klu ikotkan xbuat pape sgt pon
kelas satu jer, balik kelas td rase nak bg berpeluh sket ajak Afiq jog kat Bukit Besar
alhamdulillah berpeluh gak
just a few minutes of exercises and no need for supplement, hehehe no offence
goal ak nak sihat jer, xhensem mcm Orlando Bloom pon xpe asalkan dpt bntuk body mcm Aaron Aziz pon dah ok kot, xmintak lebeyh

okla back to my topic
actually i compiled altogether what I'm gonna share to all of you
asal2 nak buat entry each topic, tp besala makhluk pemalas merajai diri
Alhamdulillah I already turned 23
no more sweet teen's year
I'm growing older
thanks all for your wishes, cake & present
may Allah repay all your good deeds peeps
this year i got walllet, belt, shirt, chocolates, phone's case, tabung and so on

timo kasih daun keladi uolls
xmintak ape2 pon, klu bleh i nak keta ngn bini cantik jer
as you wish!!
thanks to Afiq for the birthday party
yeah, i'm having a total blast
next topic
sakit kepala ak duk pikir sal degree lak
yela da bler masuk final year dip ni, kna start atur langkah nak further degree lak
actually I've been aiming for dentistry UiTM
unfortunately, i just realized this course won't open for penerapan semester akhir UiTM
I'm totally frustrated
nak buat camner Allah knew what best for me
mane tau ak xmsuk UiTM, tp USM lak nak amik ak??
In Shaa Allah, I'm hoping so
Pn.Lily suh ak amik medic

Ya Allah, I'm doubting my own capability actually
rase xconfident sgt nak amik medic, seriously
sbb ak ni jnis xsuka stdy 24/7, bukan mamat library sgt (time test ngn final ader la muke ak kat lib, klu time besa, HAREMMM)
seriously tertekan
benda kite nak sgt xdpt, bnda yg nak sket2 jer terbuka luas adeih
btw pointer ak pon sbnrnya xdela gempak sgt, bknnya 4flat every sem
MUET ak pon cam hampeh gak, dunno why
i thought i did well, syok sendirila tu gamoknyer...
buat mase skrg
for sure ak nak apply cos yg bkaitan ngn perubatan & also hospital je
yg duk maen2 kat kepala skang
Dentsitry (I wont give up), Medic (xnak sgt sbnr), Opto, Physio, Audio, Pharmacy (pointer xcukup), Dietetic & Lab Technology
tp xtaula, need more consultation
ak xnak da jd cam dulu, I'm not enjoying what I've been studying
absolutely engineering is not my passion at all
Penerapan UiTM, USM ngn UPU
ak isi jer sumer, mane yg dpt offer nati ak serahkan kpd Allah jer
He knew what best for me
ak nak share review on Mastura's answer regarding my question on medic UiTM
(Mas ni sdg amik medic UiTM, yaer bape ak pon xsure)
bkn niat nak menakutkan, this is from the prospective of UiTM med's student answer bout her course

" aa..medic uitm.
kalu tanyo payoh tu..sumer bndo payoh kalu tanpo usoho...yo dop?huhu
mdic uitm pkai semester.
bezo nga u laen as i concern diorg pkai blok.
ktorg exam straight.mksudnyo xdop gap antara hari.
bezo u laen some u amek ms sapa sebulan exam sbb banyok gap.
waktu theory year (thn 1-2) ado stdy week 2mggu.
blo msuk clinical (thn 3-5), xdop stdy week doh.kno panda2 curi ms stdy.
ktorg xdop cuti sem pon.budok medic xley cuti lamo2.
fakulti medic uitm separate nga budok fakulti laen loni.
dlu budok thn 1-2 duk shah alam lg..ley ag nk gaul nga budok fak laen.
loni sbb fakulti ktorg pindoh ke selayang (year 4-5) nga sg.buloh(year 1-3), xcampur doh nga budok laen."

bler je ak dpt chat ni, gulp....
I'm shaking
xrase ak mampu
yg test xde gap pon ak da meroyan sakan
ni lak final exam der
final exam xde study week ngn exam xde gap??
mak aih gembiranye aser
that's why I'm totally lost rite now
my mom ask me to perform solat hajat byk2 n buat solat istikharah
In Shaa Allah, I'll do it
alhamdulillah both of my parents, siblings bukannya jenis mendesak
xdela nak suh pakse2 ak amik medic ke, engineering ke
ikot suke ati ak utk pilih kos pape asalkan ak leh carry jer
ak da xde mood da nak type mende ni
pg2 ag da lack of idea, ak tunggu subuh je ni tp cam lmbt ag jer got an hour to go
btw a few weeks my emotion is in unstable mood
that's why duk meroyan sakan jer
bukan middle age crisis but an early age crisis bro....

Thanks For Reading. Do Comment If You Like


  1. hahhaha.. lucuweh blog mu jie nakal molep jah =)
    btw, salam maulidur rasul gak ehh ;)

  2. aron ajis kito ter, salam maulidur rasul jgak :)

  3. happy bornday piji ! :D i will pray for your best deh. kesian piji stress. hee.

  4. Hahahah
    Sian pjie op stress sokmo heheh
    Bkn sng nak jd pjie ni
